Expansion tank park and CIP tanks for FrieslandCampina
The cheese factory of FrieslandCampina in Lutjewinkel produces North Holland Gouda; a protected and prize winning regional cheese which is made using meadow milk from North Holland cows. Various outdated cleaning installations (CIP) – which are needed to produce products including this cheese – were in need of replacement. In early 2020, four new stainless steel CIP tanks were needed to replace the installations with a single central cleaning system. Not too long after that, a second request was made for various stainless steel tanks so the tank park could be expanded. This is a special project, and the tanks are part of the construction activities for a new tank room. FrieslandCampina approached Gpi – as loyal supplier – for both quote requests and awarded both orders to Gpi.
The need for the second order materialised because the old evaporation installation (for thickening milk) had to be replaced. To create space for a new RO installation (on a storey that already featured old tanks), the old tanks had to be replaced and moved to a new tank room which would expand the current tank park in Lutjewinkel.
CIP tanks
The first order involved four large CIP tanks. There was need for an installation where the various outdated CIP systems of the RMO, cheese factory and evaporator could be replaced by one central cleaning system. Potential system expansions also had to be possible in the future.
To speed up the heating process, the decision was made to select a CIP system where tanks are heated via steam injection. During engineering, everything was done to find a design that would keep noise-related nuisance to a minimum.
Expansion tank farm
The second engagement involved an order for various tanks, in a variety of sizes. Each tank featured insulation and 2 of them featured an agitator. The tanks are an addition to the existing tank farm. Most of the tanks are part of a new tank room, and half of them are located inside. They feature a semi-skirt on the outside and 2 legs on the inside. The roof of the building connects to the top of the tanks. The cold water battery tank was installed separately from the tank room. The accompanying cage ladders and (access) platforms were also added.
Various parties were involved in the process, which meant it was important to effectively coordinate the planning. During the start phase and the engineering process, the architect and contractor were carefully consulted about the building extension. Everything was realised within the identified time frame because all involved parties were able to cooperate effectively. Silvester Bakker, Project Manager FrieslandCampina: ‘The result is something to be proud of, both visually and functionally. It was well designed and executed, and completed on time.’
The result
For capacity reasons, the four CIP tanks were constructed in Gpi’s production hall in Poland, and transported to the Gpi location in Gouda by road, where the FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) took place. Tanks for the tank room were built in Gpi’s production hall in Lopik and were transported by road to the cheese factory in Lutjewinkel during the night. FrieslandCampina was heavily involved in the production process. For instance, the client regularly came to observe production activities in Lopik, and the tanks were inspected before the insulation was added.
The new CIP tanks were placed at a new location next to the RMO (mobile milk reception) building. The new CIP system will be connected to existing and new tanks, and the new RO installation, in phases.
Once the expanded tank park and new tank room become fully operational, it will be possible to make space for the new RO installation to replace the old evaporators, and the ‘evaporator replacement’ project can be completed. This will give the cheese factory in Lutjewinkel a more sustainable concentration process, thus preparing it for the future.