Press release: Gpi Tanks opens new office in Germany
Gpi, the Dutch manufacturer of tanks and process equipment, has recently established a German subsidiary, Gpi Tanks GmbH, in Kassel. The move is intended to consolidate the company’s presence on the German market. A team of three experts will operate out of Kassel providing consultancy services to a wide range of industries. The stainless steel tanks are designed and manufactured at the company’s production sites in the Netherlands and Poland.
By entering the German market, Gpi Tanks is aiming at a period of consistent growth. “We aim to serve the German market proactively. Establishing offices in the country itself, with a team of local German experts with long experience in the industry, means we are now much closer to our customers,” CEO Fred Boere explains.
As well as having its head office and two production sites in the Netherlands, the company has an office and two factories in Poland. “The new production facilities at Skarbimierz have enabled us to expand our capacity significantly in recent years. Thanks to modern machinery and plant we can work more efficiently, achieve shorter lead times and deliver superior quality,” according to COO, Arno Rodenburg.
Gpi Tanks designs, manufacturers and delivers stainless steel tanks to customers working in a diversity of industries. The product range varies from silos, storage tanks and pressure vessels to processing equipment. Gpi Tanks also supplies agitators, (shut-off) valves and pipework. For all projects the work is customised throughout, from design conception to quality control and inspection. For the pharmaceutical industry in particular, Gpi has recently established a separate Gpi Pharma business unit, which focuses exclusively on high-quality products, such as process tanks, formulation vessels, bioreactors and tanks for ultrapure water.
About the Gpi Group
In the last 25 years, Gpi has built up a solid reputation as a successful international tank manufacturer. The company singles itself out by its constant innovations in the field of technology, processes and cooperation. The Gpi Group consists of three companies specialising in the construction of tanks and pressure vessels: Gpi Tanks Nederland, Gpi Tanks Poland and Gpi Tanks XL. In addition, Gpi De Gouwe, specialist in processing equipment, and BMN (Beitserij Midden Nederland), expert in pickling, grinding and polishing, are also part of the group. Globally, the Gpi Group serves customers in the food-processing, chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Since recently, Gpi has also had offices in Kassel, Germany. Gpi Group has a total workforce of around 200 employees.