Storagetanks for Royal Bel Leerdammer
Gpi has supplied 3 storage tanks for Royal Bel Leerdammer of each 300 m3. The tanks will be used for stroage of whey milk.
The project includes 3 storage of 300m3 with minerale wool insulation and clad with green aluminium pile wall plates. The customer required a cleanable tank for whey milk. Special about this project is that the 3 tanks have been placed on high legs to creata a space below the tank. Here is a closed space where all the three tanks are connected. The tanks are also equipped with walkers according to the NEN-EN 1090 standard.
The tanks are produces in our production location Groot-Ammers. From here the tanks are transported by the river, the Lek, to Lexmond. In Lexmond, on the transhipment site, the tanks were lifted from the boat to be transported by road the last kilometers to the customer in Schoonrewoerd. At the installation we placed the tanks, connected them and installed the substructure. Because the substructure is carried out also in the green sheet piling, it forms a nice uniform set with the existing tank park.
About Royal Bel Leerdammer
Royal Bel Leerdammer is part of the French Bel Group, known for brands like La Vache qui rit cheese, Boursin and Babybel. The Bel Group has 28 production sites around the world; 3 of them are located in the Netherlands. The Leerdammer® cheese is made, cut and packed in the locations in the Netherlands. A total of about 70,000 tons of cheese. This requires about 700 million kilograms of milk. For the storage of the Meadow milk we have places 3 storage tanks on the production site Schoonrewoerd.
For more information about Royal Bel Leerdammer we refer to